well off

英 美
  • adj.富有的;走运的
  • off adv.表示状态的关闭或离开prep.离开;在...之外adj.空闲的;离开的;关闭的v.离开;脱下
  • well adv.很好地;相当地int.好吧;啊adj.健康的;良好的;适宜的n.井;源泉;楼梯井v.涌出
形容词 well-off:
  1. in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich

  2. fortunately situated

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. It is just as well as to be happy as it is to be rich.
    2. In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often well sheltered.